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2023 Temple Events

Celebrating Lao New Year


Happy Lao New Year

We Celebrated Pi Mai Lao
Saturday - April 23
Sunday - April 24

Click here for the Schedule of Events

Honoring Phra Phor Bounkhong Phonthachack

Bounknong Phonthachack

The community gathered at the
Wat Lao Buddharam on Saturday, February 18, 2023
to honor and celebrate the life of Temple Monk
Phra Phor Bounkhong Phonthachack
who passed away on February 6, 2023 at the age of 90.

February 18, 2023 Schedule

 9:30AM - Alms giving - Tak Bat Luncheon offering to the monks
11:00AM - Funeral Services at the Wat Lao Buddharam
 2:00PM - Casket moved to Greenwood Memorial Park for cremation.
More Information - Lao and English

Honoring Phra Phor Khamsay Siharath

Sunday, February 12, 2023 Kamsay Siharath

The community gathered at the Wat Lao Buddharam on Sunday, February 12, 2023 to honor and celebrate the life of Temple Monk
Phra Phor Khamsay Siharath
who passed away on February 4, 2023 at the age of 91.

9:30AM - Alms giving and Tak Bat Luncheon offering to the monks
12:00PM - Funeral Services at the Wat Lao Buddharam
3:30PM - Casket transported to Greenwood Memorial Park for cremation.
More Information - English and Lao

Sunday, February 5, 2023 -   Boun Makha Bousa and Boun Khao Chi


Scores of community members turned out to celebrate the February full moon and the monks of Wat Lao Buddharam.

Traditional alms giving and the presentation of Khao Chi represents the community commitment of support to the Wat Lao Buddharam. The monks and temple management thank everyone who participated for their support and donations to the temple building fund.


Health and Safety Reminder

Masks and social distancing are still recommended for some and optional for all. If you are sick, stay home. Please use discretion for the safety of yourself, your family and other event participants.

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